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In November 2018, Canada submitted its 6th National Report to the CBD. The 6th National Report takes stock of efforts by Canadian governments and their partners in biodiversity conservation.
A Summary of Canada's 6th National Report to the United Nation's Convention on Biological Diversity is available for download. This summary report provides an overview of Canada’s progress toward meeting the 2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets for Canada and highlights Canada’s contributions to the global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.
The report notes that Canada is on track to meet 11 targets plus the marine and coastal portion of Target 1, and progressing at an insufficient rate to meet 6 targets plus the terrestrial and inland waters portion of Targets 1. Further, there was insufficient data to assess progress on one target.
Download the complete report or the summary report.
Canada is on track to meet its target of conserving 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020. Progress towards Canada’s terrestrial target – which aims to conserve at least 17% of terrestrial areas and inland water by 2020 – has been slower to date. However, major efforts to accelerate this progress have been launched, through both the Pathway to Canada Target 1 process and an unprecedented federal investment of $1.3 billion in nature conservation, including a $500 million Canada Nature Fund.
Canada is making steady progress towards its targets related to wetland conservation, sustainable forest management, sustainable aquaculture and agriculture, and controlling invasive alien species. Steady progress is also being made in expanding and improving the scientific information needed to support decision-makers, integrating information about biodiversity into school curricula, connecting Canadians with nature, and incorporating biodiversity considerations into both municipal planning and Canada’s national statistical system.
While important steps have been taken by Canadian governments and their partners in recent years, progress has been somewhat slower with regard to the recovery of species at risk, ecosystem-based management of fisheries, and reducing pollution levels in Canadian waters. These will continue to be areas of shared focus in Canada moving forward.
Indigenous cultures and societies are inextricably linked with the land and the water. As such, while Indigenous Knowledge and customary use of biological resources are specifically highlighted under Canada Targets 12 and 15, the knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous communities are relevant to all of Canada’s biodiversity goals and targets and are therefore highlighted throughout Canada’s complete 6th National Report and in the summary report.